Earlier commonly caused by Hepatitis B and C, the most common causes of liver disease can now be called alcohol and other obesity related disorders. There has been a paradigm shift in the dynamics of liver cirrhosis and about more than 20 lakh patients are diagnosed with it every year alone in India.
As per leading health experts the need of the hour is awareness at the community level as the next health concern for most of the developing countries can be battling for its liver.
As per the latest government data of GOI, Liver diseases are fast being recognized as public health priorities in India and all over the world. The burden of liver disease in India is significant because it alone contributed to 18.3% of the two million global liver disease–related deaths in 2015. In India, a fair body of evidence is available that suggests that there is an increasing impact of liver diseases on the country’s economy and health care resources, apart from being a cause of premature death and disability. This is due to various reasons like contaminated drinks, adulterated food, pollution and unhygienic environment further, The cultural–lifestyle transition that most of the developing countries are passing through currently with progressive adoption of a western diet, sedentary habits, along with acceptance of alcohol in the society create grounds for a spectrum of liver diseases causing alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), along with Hepatitis, Jaundice, Digestion problems etc. Our mission is to bring forward well researched medical recipes with scientific data to support them, so that we can serve the mankind both in a cost effective and efficient manner and help improve mortality rate naturally.
We must worry as liver disease is difficult to detect and it becomes a deadly combination with diabetic patients further it is now becoming more common among the young people in India.
We can prevent the same by doing regular exercise, having low fat, low sugar and low rice diet, consuming not more than 1400 calories a day and having a high fibre diet are some ways that can keep liver damage at bay. Further while doing more research on the same we tried a different medicines, syrups and supplements available in the market but to our disappointment none of them were effective of scientifically, until we came across a medicine named LIVBY DROPS. It is a patented medicine granted by the Government of India after a lot of research and proven statics. This medicine helps liver detox along with treatment of all liver disorders eg:- Fatty Liver, Cirrhosis, it is an effective medicine and helps avoid liver transplant too.