Liver is the only organ that can regenerates itself, also the only smart organ after brain that has a mind of it’s own and generates enzymes as the requirement of the body eg:- digestive system
Unlike most organs such as the heart, the damaged tissue is replaced with scar, like on the skin. The liver, however, is able to replace damaged tissue with new cells.
Complications of liver disease occur when regeneration is either incomplete or prevented by progressive development of tissue within the liver. This occurs when the damaging agent such as a virus, a drug, alcohol, etc., continues to attack the liver and prevents complete regeneration. Once scar tissue has developed it is very difficult to reverse that process. Severe scarring of the liver is the condition known as cirrhosis. The development of cirrhosis indicates late stage liver disease and is usually followed by the onset of complications.
The liver isn’t invincible, as many diseases and exposures can harm it beyond the point of repair. These include cancer, hepatitis, certain medication overdoses, and fatty liver disease. As per doctors and researchers every year, more than 10 Million people all over the world are awaiting liver transplant. Many others that need one can’t get a donor organ in time.
Did you know In India every year atleast:-
- 500,000 people die because of non-availability of organs.
- 200,000 people die of liver disease.
- Nearly 25,000 liver transplants (LT) are currently being performed globally every year. Against an annual requirement of 2,00,000 LTs, Indian doctors could perform a dismal 500 in 2009 and 750 in 2010, according to a review article published in Indian Journal of Transplantation 2011.
- 18 people die every day while waiting for organ transplants in the India, and every 10 minutes, another name is added to the waiting list. Each year, more than one million people need lifesaving and life-improving organs and tissues.
As per a report, on an average, the cost of liver transplant in India, an indicative range would be somewhere between INR 35 lakh – INR 50 lakh. Even if a person gets a donor, there is no guarantee that the body will accept external donated organ post operation and unfortunately a lot patients have lost lives even post successful operation despite all the tests, Further due to high demand from the developed countries and comparatively cheaper cost in INDIA there is a high demand from developed countries and Indian patients are neglected.
Many patients initially succeed to undergo liver transplantation but fail to do regular follow and ultimately die because of rejection or other post-transplant complications. So, before proceeding with liver transplantation the risk to benefit needs to be weighed for every patient. Every recipient and donor should be screened on both psycho-social and financial grounds. They should be offered liver transplants only if they seem capable of doing a proper follow-up and meet the expenses for post-transplant complications.
Other than the treatment cost there are other expenses like post follow up check-ups transportation, stay and loss of income
During further research it was discovered that most of the brands are running false advertisements and encashing their goodwill by selling medicines that don’t have any scientific data or proven track record for liver recovery. In fact, many patients who don’t even have severe liver disorder and can be recovered in early stages, end up falling in the trap of liver cirrhosis as the general medicines in the form of capsules and syrups widely available in the market don’t help. The patients keep thinking their liver will recover as they are taking these medicines and become relaxed but they end up damaging their liver even further.
While researching further it was discovered that some clinics are offering ayurvedic treatment. But to our disappointment they don’t have any research or scientific data to support the effectiveness of the treatment. Further all patients cannot afford this treatment as the patient have to stay in these centres for months, All patients cannot afford such long, time taking and costly treatments as they is no surety if they will be cured, further it is difficult to stay away from home for such long tenures and impractical for working professionals as some of the patients are the only bread earners for their family.
Our team wanted to provide an effective treatment that is scientifically proven and affordable for the masses. In our quest for answers and while undertaking extensive research for a very long period finally we came across a medicine for liver treatment.
This medicine was a perfect mix of all combinations we were looking for and the most important was that it had proven scientific research and extensive data record for treatment of Liver Cirrhosis, Fatty Liver, Fiberosis, etc. The medicine our team discovered is a wonder medicine after extensive research and scientific data record that proves the recovery of patients for all kinds for liver disorders including reversal of liver cirrhosis.
This medicine has even been granted a PATENT by the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ministry of Ayush for an innovation in treating LIVER DISORDERS. It is cost effective and easy to consume like any other AYURVEDIC Medicine. A patient can recover from all liver disorders efficiently and effectively in Home Care. One has to religiously follow the course of one month and eat healthy like fruits and less oily and harmful food to support the medicine. One doesn’t need to stop their profession and can continue their earnings along with the medicine. We asked the owner why he doesn’t advertise the medicine. He told us the he that as approached the the MNC’s for selling the rights to them, but they didn’t scum to the pressure so that they can provide cost effective treatment to all the patients. We were told that this medicine is an Ayurvedic medicine and made up of 100% natural ingredients. Its patent certificate mentions that it’s an innovation and has cured a lot of patients without any transplant or surgery. It has other good effects on the body too like recovery in Jaundice, viral fever etc. It is really effective for patients suffering from Diabities as it 100% sugar free and doesn’t increase blood sugar levels. The name of the medicine is LIBVY DROPS and good news is that it is available on both Flipkart and amazon.
We would like to recommend Livby drops for all liver related disorders as it is 100% effective and non-toxic with no side effects.